Monday, February 28, 2011

Around my house..

This is my fireplace mantle in our family room right now. It changes now and then according to holidays and seasons. But what I wanted to point out that almost everything in my house was purchased at thrift stores, yard sales or I have made. With 7 kids and living on one income, you have to be thrifty and resourceful.

This is a picture of my kids that some photography students took. I got a great deal and some great pics of the kids. They gave me a cd of all the pictures they took and I had this blown up at CVS with a coupon code for $11.00! I got the frame at Goodwill for $7.00. The clock there too for $2.00. The Ball jars from my mother in law.

All the rest of the items on the mantle I either got at Goodwill, yard sales, or a 2nd hand consignment shop that I love to shop. The hunt for the items is the most fun! I don't think I paid more than $9.00 for any item up there but they all make me happy! The topiary I made with tiny roses that I made out of party streamers and hot glued on 2 foam balls. I think my style is called craigslist chic. At least I won't freak out too much if something gets broken by a flying ball or kids wrestling. I want us to be able to live in here with out being too attached to live but still cozy and beautiful to us!

First post and cute finds!

Hello! I am Amy the mother of 7 and I love vintage. I found these cute pairs of woooden Dutch clogs while out treasure hunting and thought they were unique.

These are even stamped on the bottom made in Holland and I believe they are handpainted. The cute swirls are burned into the wood.

I am brand new to blogging and don't have the layout and picture thing down. So if it's hard to read and follow sorry about that! I am thinking about opening a etsy shop just for my vintage finds so they don't take over the house and I will let you know if that happens. I love to redo furniture and dabble in crafts so that might become a theme around here too. Hopefully I won't be too all over the place. Until next time!