This is my craigslist china hutch. The middle door is missing because it was broken and I just took it off. I don't have a before picture but my husband picked up for me out of someone's yard barn that they were storing oil and beer cans on. I am not kidding. It was that ugly speckled brown and really filthy. I paid $30.00 for it. It took about 1,000 coats of paint.
Can you believe that I have found 7 of these stem ware glasses and 5 of drinking glasses at the thrift store? And not at the same time. (but at the same thrift store just different trips) They cost me 28 cents a piece! They are stored in the china hutch for now with my ironstone pieces that I have been collecting and my husband's grandmother's china and odds and ends.
I have this vintage apron hanging next to the china hutch. It's hand embroidery is so sweet.
This is a recent purchase for me at Goodwill! It was black with tarnish but it is silver plated and shined up great with Tarnex. The whole set including a tray on the top of the hutch I paid $6.00. I am kind of getting addicted to silver plate lately.
Sorry about the glare off the tray. Everytime I took the picture it did that. That tray came with the $6.00 silverplate set from Goodwill! The other pieces I got from Craigslist or yard sales. The cute scale was from Craigslist for $4.00. I had not stepped into a Goodwill until about 3 years ago when we decided to very aggressively work towards getting out of debt. Now I can't hardly stand to pay full price for anything. Have a great day!
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It honestly would have been easier to do our kitchen without a professional painter. If I did it over I would just remove the doors and drawer fronts and use a sprayer on those and use a foam roller on everything else.
I love your hutch and all your thrifty finds!
I just bought a cheap camera today to get me by until I can afford a good one.
Have a good day!
Thanks for visiting my blog. :) Your hutch is gorgeous! I can't wait to find something like this someday. It looks amazing!
Oh my! I am so in love with that hutch!! Your decorating style is just fabulous. I collect vintage glassware as well and I just love the snack sets....I am your newest follower and I hope you have a Plum Perfect weekend!
Aledia @ plumperfect.blogspot.com
Thanks everyone! This blogging thing is so exciting that people like my treasures. (My husband doesn't get it) Have a great day!
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